Thursday, May 31, 2007

Happy Hour Ho's

I love these broads.
Girl time is extremely important to me. All relationships require maintenance, including your friendships.

This is why I love my HHH (Happy Hour Ho's) Thursday night group. These girls are kick ass and I am proud to call them my friends. I really do think something can be said about the company you keep. And what I like about MY company is that it says I kick ass by default of those around me. We meet Thursday nights and either try a new restaurant or potluck it at one of our places. However there is always booze involved. These girls make me laugh so hard it hurts. I love our routine. I highly recommend everyone to force your friends whose company you enjoy to make a similar social commitment.

I've survived some bumpy roads in my less than 30 years of life and I've come to the conclusion that it really is the people in your life that make life worth living and you never know how long they may be around for so you have to squeeze every bit of juice out of the time you have together.

Wow that sounded like a sermon...or a hallmark card or something that I usually hate reading on people's bumper stickers. So I'll stop now.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bringing back blogging

So my natural tendency is to only want to blog when I am sad or frustrated by something and I realized that I really do not want strangers to see me as a depressed angry woman. I experience a lot of cool stuff every day which I am thankful for. And if I don't capture those memories with photos I have a tendency to forget how I spent my time. I'm hoping to use this blog to document my life, primarily the happy times, so that when I am old I will look back at my life and think "Damn, I rocked."

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


This was by far the farthest from home I've ever been. And it was so worth it. I had an amazing time! I was very intrepid to start my journey alone and had a rocky start but once I arrived in beautiful Bali, I feel in love with it. The people I met were SO friendly and giving. We were even taken to a ceremony at the temple and lent clothes to wear. Awesomeness.