Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Bonerkiller: "God Bless"

I am stealing the term "bonerkiller" from from the awesome blog Shmitten Kitten ( Bonerkillers are petty observations or facts about a potential mate that instantly turn you off. You know it's immature but you just can't get over it.

Here's mine: I was leaving a voicemail for a potential suitor when his pre-recorded message "Hi, this Randy. I can't get to my phone right now, please leave a message" ended with "GOD BLESS".

Bonerkiller, dude. Unless you are a member of the clergy, I do not want your blessings from god. For one, I do not believe that you are qualified to relay messages from god. I mean, who do you think you are?? Presumptious much?? Secondly, I do not want to date someone with one of those Jesus fish on their car. That's embarassing, man.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Easiest green beans ever and Mikey likes it!

Last night I made green beans and liked them! This is two parts amazing, one I made something to eat and two, I liked it. I got the "recipe" here:

All I did was pick up some frozen green beans and a jar of pesto from Trader Joe's. I microwaved the green beans, added sea salt and a couple spoonfuls of pesto and viola! Tasty green beans that I actually like.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Songs I would download right now if I could

Here are some songs I would download right now if I had the MacBook I'm dreaming about and a functioning itunes account. My ipod is so sad and out of date right now =(

Mumford and Sons- Little Lion Man

The XX- Crystalised

Arcade Fire- Ready to Start

Metric- Gold Guns Girls

The National- Bloodbuzz Ohio

SleighBells- Crown on the Ground

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My three moms

My mom is a widow but, luckily, she has two fabulous friends and neighbors. They watch their shows together while drinking bottles (plural) of wine, catch up on the church gossip, walk the golf course, taking weekend trips together and generally cracking each other up. They even text each other in the morning to make sure they woke up alive =)

I'm really glad my mom has that support system.

But as we were having dinner last week with two french guests and my brother's new girlfriend from Mexico City, it struck me how much time my mom and her BFF, MaryAnne, spend together. Maybe it was the wine (probably it was the wine) but it suddenly struck me so funny that I announced, at the dinner table, that people were probably thinking they were a lesbian couple. My mom immediately blurts out "Oh No! I'm getting a boyfriend!!." Then with a little more wine, it morphed into them being my two moms. Then it turned into my three moms whenever BFF numero tres, Maggie, is over as well.

Let's review the evidence: I'm using my two moms timeshare to go to a wedding next weekend. Last night I went to aqua-aerobics with my two moms. They go at least three times a week. They even have special water shoes for it. I made sure to say out loud "Hey moms, look what I can do!" at least three times during the aqua aerobics class.

I have moms, plural! Awesome. I'm just not sure how they feel about me being their new 32 year old daughter...