I recently watched the movie The Bucket List and first of all I have to say it wasn't exactly what I thought it would be, although it was very good and I don't even like Jack Nickleson. But I've been hearing all this talk about bucket lists since the movie came out and have been starting one in my my head. It's still a work in progress and some items I have already crossed off in my 33 years. But it's still kind of a sad/short list for an entire list of would-be life time achievements.
- Run a half marathon
- Visit Ireland
- Raise a child
- Dance a solo on stage
- Teach seniors hula
- Swim with manta rays
- Do something truly selfless
- Volunteer with elephants
- Attend Merrie Monarch in Hawaii
- Go to Bonaroo
- Visit Tahiti
- Visit Hearst Castle
Some I've already checked off:
Make someone's day
Bungee jump ( never need to do that again)
Run Bay to Breakers in San Francisco (actually I think we walked)
Travel by myself
Graduate from college
Make my parents proud
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